

There are countless routes to and through 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. Some students hit the highway at full speed while others navigate winding, scenic roads with side trips tossed in for the adventure.
Traditional and adult students from different backgrounds mix easily at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, sharing and benefiting from diverse experiences and supporting each other along the way.

Herman Chen started college on a the traditional path but exited well short of his destination. He carved out a successful career over nearly 20 years, knowing a degree would continue his momentum, 但他还是犹豫了. Until one day, inspiration reared its head.

"Dad never went to school, and he’s doing well. 为什么我要走?” his now 11-year-old son, Brandon, said.



Herman Chen wrestling coach with Princeton University club team.

图片来源:Nick Pompei Photography

"I didn't want Brandon to have to work as hard as I did to make it," he said. "It required years and many hours to learn everything I could to move ahead."  

Herman almost immediately enrolled at 阿宾顿 — full time and year round. He quickly developed into a role model for other students, and his easy manner made him a resource for projects and advice.  

"I spent a lot of time working with other students. It was like my parental instinct to stop everything to help.——赫尔曼·陈,2015届毕业生

阿宾顿 faculty also noticed and selected him for an elite course: a team-based business competition. 赫尔曼的领导, 敏捷的思维, and agile presentation skills impressed the judges, executives from the sponsoring global technology firm. 结果? A job offer months before he earned his business degree in two years with with honors. 



Souriya Sphabmixay和Sheena Philip, 都是网球运动员, raced ahead and took home with their degrees a full semester early. The women credit their achievements to the disciplined student athlete lifestyle and the unwavering support of coaches and faculty.

Souriya, 商科专业, said three-hour practices and the inevitable win-loss cycle built her mental and physical stamina.

"Tennis taught me to overcome my doubts, 恐惧, and tackle obstacles and failure through perseverance. ... 然后它滚进了教室.——Souriya Sphabmixay, 2015届毕业生

Off the court, the women kept up their game by gaining professional experience. Sheena's summer co-op building building a website at 阿宾顿 Hospital continued, and she works as a consultant in health information systems at the hospital. Sheena Philip, an informations sciences and technology major.

She also boosted her research and presentation skills through 阿宾顿 College 本科研究 Activities with other IST students. Honestee interned at a marketing and promotions firm, and she shared her love of tennis with children as an instructor.


Sheena Philip and Souriya Honestee Sphabmixay 

来源:Pam Brobst

Riding through life with Helene Ryan alternated somewhere between third and fifth gears: Social worker by day, 周末在乐队唱歌, 养家糊口. Then suddenly, her full-time job disappeared. Riding in neutral wasn't an option so she took a sharp— really sharp — turn, packed up some earlier college credits and enrolled at 阿宾顿 to earn a four-year degree. 

"Coming back to school was very difficult at first,她说. "But before long, I realized that I felt happy, excited, and loved it. The more I learned the more I wanted to know." 

She could customize the integrative arts degree program and chose the music therapy track. She combined coursework in psychology and an array of music options with her experience in human services. 

"It made sense that I could use my skills to help others while making myself more well-rounded in the music business,她说. 

"How do you know where life is supposed to take you if you never take any chances?——海伦·瑞恩

She plans to use her new skills working with senior citizens and those with special needs in a therapeutic setting. And she still hits the road with the band, but she wants to teach and record original music. 

"Sometimes I get very emotional thinking that I would have never had this opportunity if I didn't lose that job,她说. “我感到幸运和幸福. And now I understand the camaraderie that Penn Staters have with one another."

海伦·莱恩:“我 & 鲍比·麦基

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student Helene Ryan performed at the annual spring student concert.


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