Second graders sail into learning with 阿宾顿教育专业

Second graders sail into learning with 阿宾顿教育专业


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 education majors and about 120 enthusiastic second graders welcomed "我安静的船" into port at 阿宾顿 last week.

《澳门威尼斯人官网》这本书及其作者, 海莉阿德尔曼, were the centerpiece of an annual program that brings the college and elementary students together for several hours of mutual learning. It gives the children an enrichment experience on a college campus, and the 阿宾顿 elementary and early childhood education students practice techniques to engage the youngsters in content.

With the 阿宾顿 students taking on the bulk of the classroom management role, 阿德尔曼 and several young volunteers read the empowering book "我安静的船" to the group. 奎因, 书中的主要人物, builds a hideaway (his quiet ship) when he hears his parents arguing until he musters the courage to discuss the problem with them.

阿德尔曼, who brought signed copies of the book for the children to take home, encouraged the second graders to enthusiastically engage in the writing process.

“What's most important when you are writing is that the reader feels your heart,” she told them.

安静的船 author 海莉阿德尔曼 gifts signed copies of the book to second graders who visited 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 for a morning of enrichment.


在孩子们和阿德尔曼会面之后, it was time for the 阿宾顿 students to show off their teaching skills. The second graders were broken up into four groups by school, and hands-on lessons were taught by sophomore education majors in math, 科学, 艺术与文化.

与此同时, 阿德尔曼, 谁同时也是老师和电影制作人, delivered a professional development session to about 30 junior education majors. Their wide-ranging discussion covered topics such as connecting with the children, 多元文化主义, 问责制和行为挑战.

“If a class isn't managed well all of those authentic pieces you want to share can get blocked,阿德尔曼建议道. “教训和学习不会完全实现.”

马蒂内利安, associate teaching professor and program chair of elementary and early childhood education, said 阿德尔曼’s visit allowed the education majors to see true teaching in action.

“Teacher candidates were able to apply classroom management strategies and guide second graders through an engaged author program,马蒂内利说. “Many of the strategies modeled by the author can be easily transferred to their future teaching.”

An official from one of the visiting elementary schools said the program helps the children cultivate a love of reading and writing.

"As we build our students up to become better writers and help them learn to understand the importance and power that the written word holds, experiences like the one you provided for our students are so invaluable,迈克·陶伯说, assistant principal at Anne Frank Elementary School.

Second graders from Overlook Elementary School in the 阿宾顿 School District learn printmaking techniques to create artwork inspired by the book 我安静的船 with assistance from 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students.

图片来源:Ali Artur

The four elementary schools that visited — McClure and Anne Frank in Philadelphia; Faust in Bensalem, Buck County; and Overlook in 阿宾顿, Montgomery County — have been dubbed community partnership schools by 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.

These schools work closely with 阿宾顿 faculty and students, and they collaborate over the course of the year. 例如:

  • 阿宾顿的学生们贡献了时间和才华, spending time at the elementary schools observing and teaching mini-lessons.
  • The children come to the 阿宾顿 to learn about 科学, about writing from popular children’s authors, 阿宾顿的学生给他们上课. Equally important, the children are exposed to a college campus — likely a first for many.
  • 阿宾顿 faculty host professional development with experts in literacy, diversity and other specialties for the education majors and invite teachers from the partnership schools to the trainings, 太.

Elementary and early childhood education faculty established community partnerships with elementary schools located in the Philadelphia, Bensalem and 阿宾顿 school districts that reflect the ethnic and socioeconomic diversity of the region.

理论联系实际, elementary and early childhood education majors apply culturally responsive pedagogy in these practicum experiences. Culturally responsive pedagogy is a style of teaching in which the students’ cultural strengths are identified and nurtured to advance academic achievement.