Details for required student on-arrival COVID-19 testing released

Students living on campus who have not uploaded vaccination proof will have to test prior to move-in; students living both on and off campus who have not uploaded vaccination proof must test weekly throughout the semester


Credit: Curtis Chan

宾州大学公园. — As Penn State prepares to welcome students back for fall 2021, 学校对某些在校学生制定了要求和期望,要求他们在抵达时接受COVID-19测试. 

As part of its COVID-19 mitigation plans, Penn State previously announced 从8月开始. 16, 所有搬进校园住宿的学生,如果没有与学校分享他们已经接种了COVID-19疫苗,或者在抵达前90天内提供了阳性的COVID-19检测结果,都需要进行COVID-19检测. The deadline to submit this information to avoid on-arrival testing was Aug. 9. Students who are unsure of their testing status should check MyUHS or eLiving 抵达前. University Health Services (UHS) continues to process vaccine records that were uploaded by Aug. 9, so students who uploaded on that date may need to check their status again after a few days.

On-arrival testing also will be available for those living off-campus who wish to be tested, but priority testing during move-in dates will be for residence hall students. 

学校将不接受来自校外检测源的任何校园的COVID-19阴性检测结果. 然而, 在入住后90天内在校外检测机构检测结果呈阳性的学生,可通过“我的大学保健处”向大学保健处提供有关资料,并鼓励学生在收到检测结果后尽快提交. 

未接种疫苗或未与大学分享接种疫苗的员工的详细检测计划和要求将于近期公布. Employees should share their vaccine information through Salesforce运行状况云 尽快. Employees who are not vaccinated and are returning to campus on Aug. 5月16日 request a test from Vault Health 用于家庭测试.

大学公园 on-arrival testing


Upon arrival at the Bryce Jordan Center (BJC) at their scheduled move-in time, students’ vaccination status will be reviewed. Students whose status is “complete” will be able to move in. 状态为“不完整”的学生将被要求在入住前进行测试,并将通过澳门威尼斯人官网交通服务中心运送到白楼测试地点. 快速测试结果通常在拭子材料测试后15-20分钟内返回给学生. Families of students who require testing will not accompany the student to the testing site. Students need to bring their smartphones and id+ Card with them to the test site. 在班车上、考场内以及校园内的任何建筑物内都需要戴口罩.

Students who test negative will be shuttled back to the BJC to resume move-in activities. 经快速检测呈阳性的人员,可选择校内隔离10天或回国10天. 另外, 检测呈阳性的学生将被指导进行二次PCR检测以确认其阳性结果. PCR test results can take up to 48 hours, and students whose PCR test is negative can leave isolation early and resume the move-in process. 

Students who have arrival times scheduled for later than 7 p.m. 将在东大厅的Findlay Commons Desk办理入住手续(无论他们的秋季房间分配如何).  

“我们知道,入学测试过程是为一些学生在入学日活动中增加的一个额外步骤, 然而,随着来自全国各地和世界各地的学生搬进近距离的宿舍,这是帮助保持校园安全的必要步骤,Kelly Wolgast说, director of Penn State's COVID-19 Operations Control Center. “在我们努力减轻COVID-19病毒传播的过程中,我非常感谢学生及其家人的耐心和理解. 在抵达时和整个学期对个人进行检测将有助于我们监测疫情,并对我们不断变化的应急计划做出必要的调整. 我们必须保持警惕,因为, 通过共同努力, we can help prevent the spread of the virus and continue with our on-campus experience.”

Commonwealth Campus on-arrival testing

All Commonwealth Campuses will utilize PCR test kits except the 阿宾顿, 阿尔图纳, Behrend, 伯克和哈里斯堡校区, which will utilize rapid testing kits. 学生在入住前需要提供COVID-19疫苗接种证明或在myUHS存档的90天阳性检测结果,或接受COVID-19检测. The deadline to submit this information to avoid on-arrival testing was Aug. 9. Students who did not meet that deadline will be expected to test on arrival.

快速测试结果通常在拭子材料测试后15-20分钟内返回给学生. Rapid testing hours will align with move-in hours. 在入住时间后到达的学生将接受PCR COVID-19检测,或者可能被指示在第二天到快速检测点报告.  

At move-in, students will be directed to the following test locations for these campuses: 

  • 阿宾顿:拉雷斯大厦 
  • 阿尔图纳: Adler Athletic Complex
  • 贝伦德:法森迈尔大厦  
  • 伯克:弗兰科大厦 
  • Harrisburg: Educational Activities Building 

Students who plan to move into a residence hall at the Beaver, 白兰地酒, 黑泽尔顿, 更大的阿勒格尼, Mont Alto和Schuylkill校区将需要在myUHS中确认COVID-19疫苗接种,或者在入住时接受PCR COVID-19检测. The deadline to submit this information to avoid on-arrival testing was Aug. 9. Students who did not meet that deadline will be expected to test on arrival. PCR检测结果一般在检测标本到达实验室后24-48小时内返回给学生. Students will be permitted to move into their residence hall while awaiting their test result. 



Semester testing of both on- and off-campus students

在学期中, 所有未接种疫苗或未向大学提交COVID-19疫苗接种确认的在校内外学生,将被要求在整个学期内每周进行COVID-19测试,或直到他们与大学分享他们已完全接种疫苗.

Students who test positive will be 参考隔离 and the University’s contact tracing process will be initiated. 未接种疫苗的学生如果被确定为COVID-19检测呈阳性的个人的密切接触者,将被转介隔离,并启动大学的接触者追踪程序. 接触者追踪将与所有被确定为密切接触者的学生进行沟通,无论他们是否接种疫苗. 

Students and employees with a documented need can submit an application for a medical or religious testing waiver; however, 在极少数情况下,大学会批准豁免申请. 

从8月开始. 16, Pegula Ice Arena will be open for drop-in, asymptomatic testing for students and required testing for student athletes from 9 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. 从周日到周五,白宫将根据需要从上午9点开始开放,进行快速检测和PCR确认检测.m. 直到晚上7点.m. 周日至周五. The Pegula testing site will be closed on Sunday, Aug. 22, but both sites will be open on Saturday, Aug. 21, for their normal testing hours. 

大学保健处和校园保健中心也将为出现COVID-19症状的学生提供检测. 即使他们接种了疫苗, individuals who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should seek out symptomatic testing. While the vaccines are effective against serious illness, vaccinated individuals can contract and spread the virus. 

For more information on testing, please visit the University’s COVID-19官方网站 or 宾州州立大学新闻.