获奖教授的研究重点是社会正义, teaching practices


Boni Wozolek, assistant professor of 小学和幼儿教育 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.

来源:Pam Brobst

阿宾顿,爸爸. — Boni Wozolek,香港大学副教授 小学和幼儿教育 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, has been recognized by several national and international professional organizations, 支持她作为该领域新兴专家的声誉.

根据沃佐莱克的说法, her work considers questions of social justice and teaching practices that focus on the examination of race, 性取向, 以及学校和社区的性别认同.  


  • The Early Career Award from the Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies special interest group of the American Educational Research Association. 

  • 泰勒 & Francis Educational Studies award for Best Paper of the Year for the article Hidden Curriculum of Violence: Affect, Power, and Policing the Body. 《威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台》是该领域的顶级期刊, and the award is one of the most recognized educational foundations awards given to scholars. 

  • 她的书, "Assemblages of Violence in Education: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression," was the recipient of the 2021 Critics Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association. 

Wozelek also is the editor of a soon-to-be-released book titled "Black Lives Matter in U.S. 学校.根据沃佐莱克的说法, the content was sparked by the 2015 murders of nine Black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C.白人至上主义者. As a member of the American Educational Research Association Division B, 她被要求写一篇对枪击事件的回应. Wozolek wanted to be inclusive of as many voices and perspectives as possible, 结果就是, 协会出版了一本杂志的特刊. 这本书将对日记的内容进行扩充. 

“I really wanted a book response to the socio-political events in our country. This book is one of first to focus on how Black Lives Matter informs curriculum in schools. We need to ask, ‘How does it look if we foregrounded race differently in schools?’”她说。. The authors in the book include the daughter of a Black Panther and a former student of Wozolek’s. 

“What I love about the book is that it has different perspectives. 它不是传统的学术文本. Those sorts of pieces are interspersed with traditional pieces,” Wozolek said.   

目前,沃佐莱克还有一本书正在接受评论, about a sonic ethnographic study on black and biracial students in a small-town white space. As part of the study, said Wozolke, the students walked around with recorders for two years. The book confronts questions such as what does it mean for the students to negotiate their identities and to honor their Blackness and Brownness. 

“我真的很关注社区,以及他们是如何建立社区的. 这本书什么时候出版, readers will be able to scan the sound files and listen to the interviews,”她说。. 

Wozolek还有两个编辑书籍的项目正在进行中, 其中一本暂定名为《澳门威尼斯人官网》," which will offer advice to graduate students and new faculty from senior scholars. 除了, she serves as social justice editor for "Emancipating education: Considerations of Deferred Dreams and Visions for Change," helping to make sure the content is equitable and balanced in terms of voices.  

We need to ask, ‘How does it look if we foregrounded race differently in schools?‘

—Boni Wozolek ,香港大学副教授 小学和幼儿教育

沃佐莱克的个人经历吸引她从事这项工作. 她认为自己是一个有残疾的有色人种的古怪女人, having grown up in an overwhelmingly white place where her parents were the only biracial couple in town.  

“我经历了很多困难的情况. The confluence of those identities has pushed me into really wanting to think more deeply. How do we interrupt socio-cultural and political values that allow these norms to continue to happen?”她说。. 

Wozolek completed her doctorate at Kent State University and chose to teach at 阿宾顿, 澳门威尼斯人官网最多元化的校园, 部分原因是它的学生人数超过3人,000, 她说.

“Something about working with a majority minority campus and its intimacy. The relationships with students get lost at larger institutions and also with colleagues. 阿宾顿可以提供很多东西,”她说. 

Wozolek, 谁在2019年来到阿宾顿, works closely with her students including helping them find publishers for their research. Student Samantha Antell received credit as a co-author with Wozolek on the article "Curricula of oppressions: queering elementary school norms and values," which appeared in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 

“萨曼莎和我一起完成了剪辑,”沃佐莱克说. “在那种压力下,她没有屈服或崩溃. 学生们对你的信任完全不同. 我们在课堂上建立这些关系." 

作为课程学者, Wozolek encourages her students and others in the field to start looking at the larger picture.

“我们必须在学校课程方面做得更好. 我们没有考虑学校周围的社区. There has to be a bigger conversation about schools and communities and how we interact together,她说.


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