李尔王 艺术 Exhibition and awards recognize merit among 艺术 students

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凝视试验," a webcomic created by 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student Zoe Brouse, received the Purchase Award for Best in Show at the annual Bertha 李尔王 Student 艺术 exhibition on campus. 作为购买奖的得主, Brouse’s work will be printed as a comic book and added to the campus 艺术 collection.  

来源:Zack Gething

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 honored its creative community this week at the annual Bertha 李尔王 Student 艺术 Exhibition reception and awards ceremony. 展览以雕塑为特色。, 绘画, 画, 陶瓷, 摄影, printmaking and new media work completed during the 2021-22 academic year by students enrolled in studio 艺术 courses. 

The exhibition is named for Bertha 李尔王, an 艺术ist who worked in oils, clay, and marble sculptures. 罗伯特一个. 李尔王, 1967届毕业生, 还有他的妻子, 玛丽莲, established an endowment to honor and memorialize his mother and to promote 艺术 to 阿宾顿 students. The endowment supports the annual student 艺术 exhibition. 

总理马戈·德里卡皮尼 praised the donors for supporting and recognizing student achievement. 

‘“Endowed student awards and academic program funds that celebrate student excellence enrich the student and educational experience at 阿宾顿,”她说。. 

The winners of this year’s 李尔王 awards are listed below along with comments on their 艺术 practice from H. 约翰•汤普森,副教授 艺术 艺术画廊总监. 参见获奖作品的图片 在这里.  

The Bertha 李尔王 Purchase Award for Best in Show: Zoe Brouse, for 凝视试验" (webcomic)

“The Gazing Trials is 艺术fully crafted visually and thoughtfully composed conceptually,汤普森说。. "Zoe has a deep understanding of her audience and how her work can be seen and interacted with online and in person.” 

作为购买奖的得主, Brouse’s work will be printed as a comic book and added to the campus 艺术 collection.  


Stanley and Lois Singer Award for Excellence in Black and White Photography: Samuel Yu, “无题”(数码照片)  

“Samuel was selected for this award because it’s beautifully composed and exhibits a wonderful tonal range,汤普森说。. "He is a very thoughtful 艺术ist who considers the aesthetics of his work.” 

Bertha 李尔王 Award Honorable Mention: Alpha Barry, "Mara" (web interactive) and "Sisyphus" (interactive digital animation) 

“Alpha is an incredibly talented draftsperson, and he’s also very skilled with digital work,汤普森说。.

Bertha 李尔王 Award for Depth of Content: Sierrarose Biello, "Cepbezia Triptych" (watercolor) 

“Sierra has been developing an aesthetic that is very much her own,汤普森说。, "complete with vibrant colors and a variety of anthropomorphic characters.”  

Bertha 李尔王 Award for 艺术istic Achievement: Theodora Dagkli Andonopoulos, "Georgia O’Keeffe Texture Drawing" and "Sea Monster" (both India ink on paper) 

“Theodora invests creativity and rigor into her projects whether it’s through 艺术istic journaling, 插图, 或者大型作品,汤普森说。.

Bertha 李尔王 Award for Craftsmanship: Erica Beyer, "Flourish" (ceramic) 

“Erica’s work shows a proficiency with materials and attention to detail,汤普森说。. "She is a great example of a student who finds great success in her attention to the craft of 艺术making.” 

Bertha 李尔王 Award for Aesthetic Development and Execution: Kait Fabiani 

"The award is given to a student who has a clear vision of the story they want to tell and uses the tools at their disposal to create imagery and objects that tell that story in an outstanding way,汤普森说。. "Kait’s work uses various forms of sculpture to explore religious themes and metaphor in compelling ways.” 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 provides an affordable, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有3个以上,000名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 23 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉项目, NCAA三级田径和更多. 

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