阿宾顿 student leads global sustainability living learning community


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Re'naijah Purvis is a resident assistant in Penn State's first living learning community 关注全球可持续性.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Re'naijah Purvis serves as a resident assistant in the University’s first living learning community, 或有限责任公司, 关注全球可持续性, and she recently dicussed its impact on students at the 全球 Sustainable Action: It Starts With Us conference. 

狮门 阿宾顿的宿舍, 她负责协调地球村有限责任公司的项目, 校园之间的合作 全球项目办公室 and Housing and Residence Life units and Penn State 全球. 

“Our mission is to engage a diverse group of globally minded students around the goals of intercultural exchange, 发展全球竞争力和公民意识, 促进可持续发展,珀维斯说。, a 生物学 主要.  

Students participate in programming based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to earn a sustainability certificate. 每学期, they must attend three sustainability and three 全球项目 events and participate in one community service opportunity. The certificate is so popular that it’s been opened to all 狮门 residents. 

"One example is the programming around health and well-being. We’ll talk about the United Nations global sustainability initiatives and engage in conversations about the pillars of health and wealth,珀维斯说. 

Leading students as they incorporate sustainability into their lives has been a learning experience for Purvis. 

“I was looking to be sustainable in my own life even before I knew about this position. It feels weird to be in this age range and focusing on something that has such a great impact on the world. 在 conference, it was nice to be around peers who were focused on the same things. You create a community and create a stronger voice,”她说。. 

不管你是谁,从哪里来, you must bring people together to convince them to advocate for themselves or for others.

-Re 'naijah Purvis,宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校学生

Purvis explained that since 阿宾顿 has the most diverse student population within Penn State, it adds another layer to the sustainability conversation. Almost 50% of the campus population identifies as students of color, and more than 40% are the first in their families to attend college. 

“Everyone's perspective is different on which goals are the most urgent, 这取决于他们来自哪里. 作为一名黑人女性, I am more inclined to focus on the goals that address racial injustice and gender equality because I have experienced the most impact in my life from both forms of inequality,珀维斯说。, 第一代学生. 

An important part of her work involves building relationships to unite the students around sustainability goals. 

“If people don't trust each other to lead and educate based on the way they look or their orientation, 那么你就无法实现你的目标. 不管你是谁,从哪里来, you must bring people together to convince them to advocate for themselves or for others,”她说。. 

珀维斯与 奥尔加Moskaleva, 区域全球参与协调员, on developing programming for the LLC and on preparing for the conference. 

“Since the beginning, Olga saw something in me and empowered me throughout this whole journey. I believe that it only takes one person for someone to feel supported and to see their true power within themselves, 奥尔加是我唯一的爱人,珀维斯说. 

Moskaleva's work with Purvis on the LLC dates back to the fall 2021 semester.

"I've been working with Re'naijah on bringing the sustainability goals to the 全球 Village, and this year she is leading it herself as she is extremely passionate about them. 她正在做一项了不起的工作。.

Purvis’ participation in the conference was sponsored by Penn State 全球 Southeast Region. Penn State 全球 and 全球项目 at 阿宾顿 both have contributed to the 全球 Village LLC programming and support.  


威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 大约3个,100名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 24 主要s, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, NCAA三级田径和更多. 
