
ABINGTON, Pa. ——琳达·帕特森·米勒(Linda Patterson Miller), 2011-12年度澳门威尼斯人官网(Penn State)桂冠获得者,哈佛大学(harvard university)英语教授 Penn State Abington, is sharing her thoughts and observations of her laureate experience as she journeys across the Commonwealth aiming to engage people in the beauty of the humanities; specifically early 20th-century American literature and art. “文学登陆”是一个旅行日志,计划在2011年秋季和2012年春季学期定期出现在澳门威尼斯人官网直播和澳门威尼斯人官网通讯社. In her entry “The Diary is Not Dead.米勒回忆了她与观众的各种接触, 其中包括与一位观众的深刻互动,这位观众在日记的道德困境中挣扎. In video link http://bit.ly/AgtlEW 看米勒讨论在美国400年的日记记录中,美国人如何狂热地试图讲述他们自己的故事. 

Jan. 11, 2012

与普遍的看法相反,日记并没有死. Supposedly in a world of twitter, facebook and instant messaging, 美国人已经放弃了反思,选择了自发. 而是到人民中间去,听他们说话,和他们谈论写日记的事, I learned that, in Pennsylvania at least, diary-keeping yet lives. Indeed, 我的一些听众承认,他们之所以写日记(甚至特意用笔和纸来记录思想和页面之间的连续流动),正是因为在全球网络上传播的公开自我声明中缺乏亲密感. 独自为自己写作(《澳门威尼斯人官网》), 这些日记作者继续怀着敬畏的心情看着他们的日记, 相信这些日记会告诉他们关于自己的真相,并在瞬息万变的世界中实时捕捉他们的想法和感受.

This can be dangerous. To cite one example, 我的一位听众中有一位绅士承认,他几个月来一直在与道德困境作斗争. His wife, on her deathbed, 告诉他(显然他和其他人都不知道)她一生中大部分时间都在写日记. She wanted him to take all her journals and destroy them; furthermore, she instructed him not to read them. 这位先生不忍心毁掉这些日记, nor had he read them, even as they tantalized him. “What should I do?” he asked, 他转向其他参与者,希望他们能解决这个让他彻底动摇的困境. His heartfelt question elicited an impassioned discussion regarding the moral imperative of granting her wishes versus the human need to know; and many in the audience acknowledged that destroying her diaries was somehow tantamount to destroying her identity. (许多人还承认,尽管她提出要求,他们还是很想读她的日记.)

观众无法解决这个人的困境,这证明了日记的完整性,它超越了单纯的记录,拥抱了自我探索和自我肯定. An earlier Pennsylvania diarist, Sidney George Fisher, 在他1859年的日记里,我很奇怪他为什么要用这么多卷书来记录他对自己和世界的观察. 他总结说,这在一定程度上证明了他“无所事事的生活”. But it was also “partly habit, partly the pleasure of writing, 部分原因是为了将来在阅读我日常生活的历史时感到满足, which, however uneventful and obscure, is my life, that is, all I have as a position in this great, busy world, which knows and cares nothing about me.”

当有人问诗人梅·萨顿为什么写日记时, 她将其描述为“对抗损失的努力”,"通过留下记录来欺骗死亡和时间. 美国剧作家克利福德·奥德茨也认识到这一点. “Again and again,” he wrote in his diary on August 11, 1940, "我唯一能依靠的就是这本日记, thumbing the pages backwards, hoping, wondering, waiting to turn outwards once more. 在某一天,某个夜晚,在未来的某个星期或某个月,它会发生. One never dies of this.”

要评论或向获奖者提问,请联系琳达·米勒 [email protected].

要了解更多关于宾州州立大学的获奖者和琳达·米勒的信息,请上网 laureate.parkcitiesflowermarket.net and/or live.parkcitiesflowermarket.net/tag/linda_miller.


